Titan Banner


Creativity of colors

Creating a modern collection of plain and elegant lines, Titan has a modular structure and brings simplicity in design and mobility to working life with twelve color options.

Creativity of colors

Creating a modern collection of plain and elegant lines, Titan has a modular structure and brings simplicity in design and mobility to working life with twelve color options.

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Sabahattin Şiranlı

According to Greek mythology, the Titans are a powerful divine race that ruled the world during the Golden Age. doxa
The Titan series is derived from Theia, one of the twelve titans in mythology, with the ability to create vast light.
designed with inspiration. Titan's white and simple design creates a bright and spacious atmosphere in your office.
In addition to ensuring the formation of a perfect aesthetic with elegant heartwarming details in its design,
it succeeds. Light up your office with Titan's radiant flawless design.

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